They might not be 100% up your alley though, so I also use Cazy hairstyles a lot. So, the image below is Kijiko's White Toyger Kitten on a teenage boy (AKA: My darling Sheogorath): Disguised Quinn is modeling Kijiko's Verte: I use these hairstyles all the time, and I love a LOT of them. I'll toss in a few pictures of some of my favorites on my Sims. They have women's hair too, but a lot of it is just the male hairs converted for females and nothing I found particularly good for my females. So here is the link to his/her male hairstyles for The Sims 3. Well, if you're up for it! (cracks knuckles) Let me break out my collection! I know this isn't quite 'realism' hair here, but Kijiko has some of my favorite hairstyles ever.